Harry Cohen has signed EDM1199. Motion reads: "That this House is proud to note that on 6 January 2010, for the first time in the history of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Union Flag was raised permanently above the Victoria Tower of the Palace of Westminster and now remains in place all day and every day throughout the year; further notes that the two additional flag poles located on the Parliamentary Estate at 1 Parliament Street and Portcullis House now also display the Union Flag at all times and have done so since 28 November 2009; believes that the decision to display the flag of the nation every day of the year from Parliament is something that Members of both the House of Commons and House of Lords should celebrate and take great pride in; and commends all those who played a part in helping to bring about this fine decision, including the authorities of both Houses, the President and members of the Flag Institute and the members of the All Party Parliamentary Flag Group, including the hon. Member for Romford, who championed the cause and led the now successful campaign to fly the Union Flag above the British Parliament all year round."